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Monday, December 13, 2010
747 Love
J.C. Ryle, Holiness p.237
That last sentence is quite striking and is a summation of the greatest commandment. (Mark 12:30) Beg God for sincere love that you may know you have a sincere faith.
Friday, December 3, 2010
God continues to provide (Tyler turns 3)
Wed morning I went to Starbucks. An occasional norm these days. Wed morning is when the men's small group I lead occurs. A few of the guys occasionally show up to Starbucks and we enjoy a time of fellowship before our group meets. The guy in line in front of me goes to pay for his 3 coffee's and his visa doesn't ring up. They can't type the numbers manually at Starbuck's and he has no cash. So I paid for his. The lady behind the counter didn't charge me for my drink (which cost more than his). I used a gift card to buy the coffee and ended up using .65 cents of my own money. The Lord provides for others as we show the world that God is more important than money.
Went to grab something for lunch at the grocery store by our church. I'm studying here at church all day. (Another way the Lord has provided - it's very convenient since I live a few miles from here, and saves the 20min trip to school) I saw one of our church staff at the grocery store - he bought my lunch for me. I told him 2 times I was ok, that I had money to buy lunch today, but he insisted. The Lord provides.
You see, when your Father is creator of the World, all your needs are met. Please pray that Ann and I continue to seek first His Kingdom. God is so kind to us.
Tonight we head to a pizza party for our Sunday School class. The pizzas will be cooked by CPK on site in a custom outdoor pizza oven. Yum. The fellowship will be great.
Also looking forward to our church's Christmas concert in a few weeks.
Per school - I have one Final in Greek Exegesis next week, and two finals the following week. One in Hebrew Exegesis and the other in Historical Theology. God will certainly have to provide for me to survive these next few week.
Today is also my son Tyler's 3rd Birthday. Happy Birthday Ty Ty. (He of course is a frequent visitor on my blog) 8)
Monday, November 29, 2010
2. Holiness is perfected (ongoing) in the fear of God. 2 Cor 7:1
3. Holiness plus righteousness = the new self. Eph 4:24
4. Holiness of heart is how we are to be presented before God at His second coming. 1 Thes 3:13
5. Holiness, derived from discipline, is shared with God. (we share in God's holiness) Heb 12:10
I pray the Lord enables us to live a life of Holiness through pure Christian conduct, in the fear of God, putting on the new self, from a holy heart and thereby sharing in God's holiness through godly discipline.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
You can have all this world, Give me Jesus
May God be praised!
Monday, November 1, 2010
God must draw people to Christ
Consider John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."
In context, Jesus had just finished doing a miracle and feeding thousands from only a few fish and pieces of bread. He then tells the crowd in v26, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled." They missed focusing on the Savior because of their temporal desire for food. Jesus then goes on to tell them that this food they desire perishes, but they should work for the food which brings eternal life. How? By believing in Jesus. "Working" shows it is not merely a faith which produces nothing, but a life which is working towards Christ.
He then goes on to say in v37 that all the Father gives to Him, will come to Him. What is the context? Eternal life! Here we learn very plainly that those who are called of God, or elect, WILL come to Christ and will be saved, that is "raised up on the last day" as the end of v37 says.
The problem for many, is that they say, 'wait a minute, I thought a person must believe and that God's will is for all to be saved'? Yes, that too is true, but God doesn't effectually call all men in the same manner, else all men would be saved. We must let the tention of scripture remain, while not rejecting that which we do not yet understand. For our lack of understanding does not make something untrue. If a two year old does not understand how it is possible that a cold oven could all of a sudden burn him with fire, it does not mean that oven's no longer get hot!
The people then understand this problem, and upon hearing that Jesus has said He has come down from Heaven, start to grumble. Jesus then gives us v44 (which I started this post with) and tells them "Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me". Now ask any preacher, does everyone they teach about the things of God become saved? No. So what does Jesus mean. In context, this again is referring to those who have believed. Who are those who believe? The elect. Why? Because "of all that the Father has given me [Jesus] I lose nothing." v37.
Still not understanding? v64 "But there are some of you who do not believe". Judas was in the crowd, as were many other people who just wanted a miracle and did not want to taste the bread of heaven and receive eternal life. Jesus was trying to tell them, you can't take salvation, you must receive it. For something to be received it must be given. v65 "For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father." This is the dicotomy of election and it is clear as day.
Do you believe the Bible? All of it? Then you must believe, and TEACH others ALL of it. Not just the parts you like. The passage then goes on to say in vv66-67, "As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. So Jesus said to the twelve, "You do not want to go away also, do you?" Peter then says, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life." The Bible only presents two options here. Believe and live according to the teaching of the Bible, or turn away and follow Christ no more.
Monday, October 25, 2010
My Friend
and my master
He is my LORD,
and my provider.
He is always near,
yet transcendent above all the earth.
He is the focus of all time,
yet BC and AD are inadequate to describe His impact.
He is the focus of the all time best seller,
and in this book, the Bible, you too can meet my master, my Savior.
His name is YHWH.
Friday, October 22, 2010
A Great Birthday
That morning was started off as usual with the men's bible study I lead at church. we read an article on prayer by George Mueller. Didn't tell em it was my Birthday. They said they'd get me back for that, and they did. Later that same day, I had class with my pastor Jack Hughes at Seminary. He was informed it was my birthday, and so 70 men sang happy birthday to me. Was fun. Later that evening while Ann was at Sem wives, Jack, his son and John B took me to Ventura Blvd for sushi. Was a great time.
The family and I will be heading to the beach tomorrow, Lord willing, to celebrate.
The Lord continues to provide for us in amazing ways. This week we received some financial help, a new keyboard for our mac at home, a dell computer, and much prayer from those many beloved people in our lives. God is good.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Syntactical What?
YHWH (Capitol "LORD" in the NASB95) is so gracious and kind. Was at Starbucks this morning "buying" a cup of coffee with my empty starbucks bag (if you turn in the empty used bag, they give you a small coffee) when I saw a friend from Church. He gave me a $5 so I could buy something to eat as well. I pocketed the $5 (sorry brother) and will use that to buy a bag of coffee beans at the local grocery store - turning that into many cups of coffee. God is good.
Our home desktop computer is dying. Please pray for it. We've milked it for 6+ years now. One of the bulbs in the monitor burned out two years ago. This means we have to turn the computer on two times in a row to override the monitors "fix me now" mode. My kids probably just think all computers need to be turned on twice! ha. Annie uses this Mac computer a good bit. Pray it lasts.
Taught Sunday School class yesterday on 1 John 1:1-4. The joy of Fellowship in Christ and with other believers. Not just any joy, but complete Joy. Many in our culture what to be lone-ranger Christians. They work hard all week and then take it easy at Church, not serving much and not giving as much effort to the body of Christ as they do their jobs. This is difficult because the American employer expects much. I was there. I understand. Yet, they miss out on the blessing of fellowship in the body and deprive others in the body of fellowship with them. Around AD 90 when 1 John was written by the Apostle John, Christians were being tortured and put in prison for their faith. So complete joy was something that would have gotten their attention right away. Our culture is just the opposite. We are a "serve yourself, make yourself happy" culture. I pray we, including myself, align ourselves under the authority of God's word and submit ourselves to His plan. John says he has touched the "Word of Life". How do you touch a word? You can if the Word becomes flesh and dwells among us. John says the Word was "manifested to us". Jesus, came to our world, to impact our world; to seek and to save the lost, and to bring fellowship to a new level among believers. An intimate joyful complete level. Press on toward fellowship with the Holy Father (no I don't mean the Pope - see ), with His Son Jesus and with the body of believers. For in that, you WILL have complete joy.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Luke 10:41-42
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hit the ground running
Yesterday the family enjoyed a picnic at Oxnard State Beach. It was a chilly 65, with jeans and a sweatshirt in order. Back in Burbank that same day it was 85. Quite a difference when traveling to the beach. Many students, professors and their families were in attendance. There were games and a bounce house for the kids. Very enjoyable.
My Hebrew Exegesis class is led by Dr. Bill Barrick. He is truly a scholar, having contributed to the translation of the Bible into 9 languages so far, and is very thorough in critiquing our work. What an honor it is to sit under his teaching.
Our finances continue to be tight. Our silver car is in the shop and will come back with a bill north of $900. Ouch! Though my Father is a wealthy billionaire, so it should be no problem for Him to take care of this for us. My Father continues to provide for us in due time, as He sees fit. This being one of the great sculpting tools He uses on us lately.
My church history class is fantastic. Getting to know the church fathers (apostolic fathers - because they were in succession to the Apotsltes) has been a joy. Seeing that from Clement to Turtillian to Polycarp and Ignaciaous, the way of salvation has always been by faith and not of works. With over 1.1 billion "Roman Catholics" in the world saying we need works to justify us for salvation - in that salvation is not by faith through grace alone (Eph 2:8-9) - it is comforting to know that the early church fathers do not agree with them....nor would Christ Jesus the Messiah who, upon His death on the cross to be a propitiaiton for the sins of men, said "It is finished". The Roman Catholic would have to say - "It is started".
Another great class is Old Testament Survey. Our professor is taking us chapter by chapter from Genesis through Esther and the rest of the OT will be next semester. What a joy to see the faithfulness of God to His people.
Guess that's all for now. Need to get back to translating Colossians chapter 2. Seek Him while He may be found.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Back to School
Cameron is now in the first grade. Elle will be doing a summer short term pre-school (Lord willing) and Tyler is just having the time of his life with his big brother and sister.
Ann is doing an awesome job of managing the household (Titus 2:5 something every Christian woman should be is a "worker at home" - not that women can't go out and have jobs - but they must maintain their biblical responsibility at home and not outsource it to others) It's a function and a privilege to serve God in this way, and one of the highest honors bestowed upon women. Men don't get off the hook though, as the buck stops with them - being called to provide for their family, being the spiritual leaders of their home and the one who serves and loves their wife as Christ did the church. Another backwards role given societal stigmas. Christian men though see it as a function and privilege to serve our families as we serve the Lord.
As an intern at Calvary Bible Church, I get to attend the elder meetings and weekly prayer times. Last night we had a beautiful example of the men discussing a sensitive subject, with many of them personally connected and they handled it with grace and preference to others. It was a great example to me. All those at Calvary should thank the Lord for raising up such men who act with integrity behind closed doors!
Please keep us in your prayers that we may grow in our love for Jesus and the proclamation of and obedience to His word.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday evening, my family accepted an invitation from Lucio to attend an open house for friends and family of their ministry. It was a wonderful evening hearing how the Lord is preparing men at the seminary to go to Italy, the "missionary graveyard" as it's called, to preach the clear gospel of Jesus Christ. It's called the missionary graveyard because most missionaries leave Italy within 5 years never to return. The gospel message is what Christ did on the cross, that He completely saves man, to those who believe and submit their lives to Him, and that good works play no part in salvation. Good works are a result of salvation like turning the car on is a result of having gas in the tank. But turning the car on (good works) does not put gas in the tank as Catholicism claims. Catholicism says that we are saved by faith and justified by works, which is a heretical doctrine according to scripture.
There is a dire need in Italy for solid churches and a great need for men to be trained in the exegetical study of God's word. That simply means that a man can look at the grammar, the context and the historical setting of a passage (among a few other things) and determine what the writer meant to convey to the original audience. This sounds basic, that a person could read the Bible and understand what is means, but that very notion is under severe attack here in the USA as well as abroad. "That's your interpretation", "what does the Bible mean to you?" are common ways this ideology is used.
Lucio and another missionary named Massimo Mollica are called to preach and teach the word of God, to plant Biblical churches and to train the indigenous leadership to shepherd their own sheep. What a fun evening it was! Tears were shed by some of the Italians that night as they dreamed the gospel will be once again spread to their people.
Lucio explains the situation much better than I. Want to meet Lucio? Watch this clip.
Want to meet Massimo? Click here:
May the Word of the Lord go forth.
(Oh yah, two more days of Gladiator Greek!!!!)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
This morning I had the opportunity to teach on "loving one another". The capstone of our gift from the Holy Spirit. The greatest gift we have. Even if a man can do all miracles, but has not love, he is nothing. If a person has the faith to move mountains, but has not love, he is nothing. People will know that we are true disciples by our love.
It was a fun yet convicting lesson to teach. Very encouraging too, as God continues His work in us and through us: a work that He will finish until the day of Christ Jesus.
I hope you are doing well. I pray you are pursuing the Lord through His word and prayer on a daily basis. I pray you are serving in a church and loving those who are your neighbor. In John 13, Christ gave us a new command to love others as He has loved us. Loving others is not new, but loving others as He has loved us, in His humanity here on earth, full of submission to the Father and gracious to even Judas as he washed his feet the night he would betray Jesus....yes, that is new.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Baptism Class
The best thing about the class is getting to work with people on writing out their testimony before they get baptized. Their testimony is their story of how Christ drew them to Himself, saved them and changed their life. It is pretty neat to see how many different ways a person comes to trust in Jesus as Savior. They all hear and respond to the same gospel, but their circumstances are all very different.
A question for you. How many kinds of baptism are spoken of in the New Testament? 1, 3 or 6? The answer is 6. Did you know that? I didn't, until I looked into the scriptures just like I ask those who attend the class to do. I'd encourage you to do the same. Remember - Baptism means immerse. So one can be immersed into many things. The hard thing is not to bring your presuppositions to the scripture but to let the scripture speak for itself.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Prayer with the Elders
Had a nice time reading the Word this morning at 5:30am at Starbucks. Why go to starbucks? A friend invited me to come over and bought me a coffee. We didn't talk much. Just read and enjoyed good fellowship. This friend and I have been texting each other daily in the morning to try and encourage the other to get up early and study the Word and pray. Try it. Find a friend who can mutually encourage you to draw closer to the Lord. Do so on a daily basis. The Lord is good.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Jesus is God
If a person knows this, believes it and lives like it, life is different. It cannot and does not stay the same. A person's life before knowing Christ and after are and should be drastically different. When they aren't, then a person should read 1 John.
1 John is written to believers who need to be encouraged of their salvation and to fight against the heresy of the day, which is still prevalent in our day, that a persons talk and walk don't have to match. What people say today is "that's nice for you" or "I have my own relationship with God, but don't go to church, study my Bible or pray much". Of course this goes against the picture of the true Christian life painted in 1 John. "Those who love God, obey Him". Notice, it's his way or no way. There is no ambiguity in that statement.
1 John is what I'll be studying in the Greek over the next 5 weeks. I'm really looking forward to it.
On the family side of things, some of the income we had coming in, is no longer coming in. Please pray the Lord continues to provide for our needs. We know and trust that He will. If that comes in the form of a job for me, please pray I am able to manage my schedule and family well.
I'm half way through Gladiator Greek. Ann and I are both very tired from the rigors of my schooling. Please pray the Lord provides in such a way, in all areas of our life, that we are able to press on. A good friend of mine here at TMS has just decided not to register for the Fall for many reasons (all personal). The fight to stay here at school is real....
Praying for you,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
At war....
But we must walk by the Spirit. (and through the power of the Spirit)
We must submit ourselves to Christ as Lord and Savior.
"For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. " Gal 5:17 CHRISTIANS do not live to please themselves. They live for the purpose of another. They live to glorify God. Do not wait until your dying day to try and turn your life over to Christ. This past week I went to visit a family. The Dad was literally dying. My pastor shared the gospel with him from John Chapter 3. Hopefully this man could hear and turned his heart to the Lord. The man died 6 hours after we left. His funeral is next week. Please pray for this family...for those left behind. Pray that those of them who aren't saved, that they will confess with their mouth Jesus as Lord and submit to their lives to Him. Eternity is at stake. Where do you stand? This life, the things of this world, are not worth an eternity in Hell. |
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Elle Turns 5

Seems like yesterday that...OK, not really. Elle was born in Laguna Beach California, around 7am, 5 years ago. Amidst all the studies, meetings and ministry, the Lord provided a nice time with the family as we celebrated Elle's birthday.
(first post of pics...hard to read text I know...sorry)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Greek and CBC Internship
He wants us to be so focused on Christ that we let all else fall behind (especially politics). Yes, be diligent in family and in school and at work and church, but that is being diligent as God has commanded which then brings glory to God. Not diligence for an "A", but diligent in that we are good stewards of what God has given to our care. Our focus and goals have to be in the right place or ALL that we do brings shame to the name of Christ.
Greek class is now 3 days per week, and moves at a fast pace. Please pray I can keep up with class given the time my family and I have allotted for it.
This past week my church made me an intern. They wanted to see, as they do with all students, if we can handle the rigors of seminary before investing more time in us. Since I am now through with my first semester, it cleared the way for an Internship. What's involved? More one on one discipleship with a pastor. He'll be able to guide me and give feedback in the ministries I'm currently involved with. Preaching once per month at Burbank Health Care, Teaching weekly, on prayer team etc. I'll also attend the monthly elder meetings and weekly elder prayer meetings.
God has been and continues to be good to us. Someone gave us a box full of frozen food and said they'd make it a regular thing if we liked the contents!
If you're reading this in the Burbank area, please consider coming to Church one Sunday morning at Calvary Bible Church, to taste and see that God is good. The salvation of your soul and where you spend eternity hangs in the balance. Please also consider reading the book of John.
praying for your soul...dave
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Revving up for School
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Green Tea from God
Friday, June 18, 2010
Coffee Burn
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Summer Break
Thursday, June 3, 2010
We Serve a Gracious God
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Others who sacrifice
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Qal's and Niphal's and Hiphal's...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Summer School Part I
Saturday, May 1, 2010
4 down 1 to go
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
How to Be Saved...Part 4
Realizing that you are a sinner, and God is perfect and Holy....
Sin brings death
Romans 6:23a The wages of sin is death,
What is sin? Sin is breaking any command of God. Beyond lying, cheating, stealing, murder, and lust, we are told that we must "Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength." If you have ever not fully loved God with all that you are ALL the time, you are condemned before God.
and realizing that only those who are perfect go to heaven....
you understand that someone needs to pay for your sin who is perfect.
The only perfect man was Jesus and He did pay for your sin.
Jesus brings life
Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrated His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 6:23b "but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
1 Cor 15:3-4 "Jesus died for our sins and rose again on the third day" (what Resurrection Day "Easter" is all about)
How we are saved
Eph 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast.”
John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
You must.
1. Realize you are a sinner, and have God's wrath to look forward to.
2. Believe that Jesus is God and died for your sins, and then rose on the third day.
3. Repent of your sins. That is, turn from your sin and live for Jesus, according to His word.
4. You will know that you are saved by the fruit in your life, your love for Jesus and the Bible, your love to pray and fellowship with other believers. This is what the book of 1 John is all to know you are saved!
If you're not sure you are a Christian, then you probably are not one. Confess your sins to Christ and ask Him to help you understand the Bible and start living for Him. Your life WILL change if you truly believe.
Praying for you...
Monday, March 29, 2010
How to Be Saved...Part 3
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
How to Be Saved...Part 2
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How to Be Saved...
Monday, March 15, 2010
Play Set
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Are you going to Heaven?
The Gospel
God is Holy
Leviticus 19:2 Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.
Problem! No one is Holy!
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Sin brings death
Romans 6:23a The wages of sin is death,
Jesus brings life
Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrated His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 6:23b but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Cor 15:3-4 Jesus died for our sins and rose again on the third day
How we are saved
Eph 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast.”
John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Our response?
Is 55:7 “Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.”
Rom 10:9 “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
God commands all men to repent
Acts 17:30 “now He commands all people everywhere to repent.”
If I do not repent (turn from my sin) God's wrath abides on me and I will spend eternity apart from Him in Hell.
What happens when I become a Christian?
I am changed!
1 Cor 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Shepherd's Conference
Saturday, February 27, 2010
TMS Banquet
Friday, February 19, 2010
Great Week
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Jehovah Jireh
Monday, February 8, 2010
God is so good
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Turn up the heat...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
We spent the first portion of the evening praying for those in Haiti. The devastation as you all know is quite vast. Yes, God is still in control of all things. He uses things like this for many reasons. To wake up a nation, or world. To bring final judgement...yes we all will die at some point. Yes, God is loving and kind. Any parent who disciplines their children understands the two are not exclusive ideas.
Even though we know these things as believers, it is difficult to relate to the immense situation of those directly involved. Some friends at church have siblings who are missionaries there. They are trying to get back into the country, and were not there when the earthquake hit. They are unsure of the condition of many of their friends / loved ones. Others at church have a missionary friend who was there. This gentleman was trapped in an elevator shaft for days, then rescued. Many of his colleagues died. The physical need for food, water and medical help is enormous. The need of their spiritual condition, the redemption of their souls, is even greater! It is said Haiti's national religion is "voodoo". This only honors Satan and not the Lord. Please, as you are helping with the physical conditions, if you know the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, please pray for His mercies to be upon those who remain, that He may draw them to repentance. That their hearts may turn to God, Jesus Christ.
If you don't know of a good/legit place to donate, this organization is solid. They provide for both physical, medical and spiritual needs.
May God provide us direction as we pray for the nation of Haiti.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A pastor will normally go through times of fire in his life. These are times of refinement. Think of the refining process to get pure gold. The impure rises to the top and is taken off by the refiner. What remains is closer to pure gold than when the process started. In a person's life, the Lord brings about many things to sanctify us (refine us to be more like Him). Though we will always be sinful people while on earth, the pattern of a believer's life should be one of continued growth.
The fire a few of these men have been through is amazing. The humility of one guy, who "had it all" according to the world, from having a Ph.D in science to traveling the world as a speaker for the IBM technology research group to traveling the world speaking at creation seminars; the guy now pastors a church of 150 outside San Franscisco and would never have mentioned those things to us had not one of the guys asked so many questions.
Dear Lord, may you continually mold me into the man of God you've called me to be.
Praying for you...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The professors I met made a good first impression. Very gracious. Very kind. Very patient. These are experts and scholars in their respective fields. They were also very humble. I have much to learn. Lord may you be praised in all that I say and do. May the lost see their sin, and turn from their ways, and be saved. Thank you Lord for your goodness to me.
Next up - a wrote test of the Hebrew Alphabet (Alefbet) and it's 5 "final forms". No testing on the Masoretic vowel system yet, developed 500-1000 AD...just in case you were wondering. 8) Prasie God the prophecy in scripture of Israel becoming a nation again came true in 1948! They then adopted Hebrew as their national language and brought much learning of the original text back to commonality.
Praying for you....
Monday, January 11, 2010
First week of Class
Before that kicks in, some insight into my family. My wife and I are Christians. That means we understand we are sinners, incapable of the perfection God requires; "Be holy as I am holy". Therefore we need, and have accepted, Christ's sacrifice on our behalf to pay for our sin. This satisfies the wrath of God, and redeems our soul. Christ, lived a perfect life on earth, died for the sins of man, and conquered death by rising from the dead on the third day. Those who repent (turn from their sin) and believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be saved. Believing here is more than an intellectual ascent of understanding (such as the demons have), it requires that one submit their life and all that they are to Jesus Christ, thereby making Him Lord.
During seminary, as in all other times in life, my goals are to:
1. Give God glory in all that I do
2. Love my family and serve them
3. Edify the Church
4. Make disciples.
These goals are both/and, which means they are not compartmentalized, but holistic in nature.
Praying for you.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
We are much committed to the task of preaching and teaching the Word of God. For it really doesn't matter what my opinion of scripture is, "for no scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation" but "men, moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke from God." It only matters what the singular interpretation of a particular passage is. That is what we aim to communicate. The application thereof can be many, outward from that specific point.
Tomorrow evening is a dessert reception with many professor's and their wives. The seminary provides childcare so my wife can enjoy the evening with me. What a nice touch!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Seminary - Day 1
At the request of some friends, I've started a blog to chronicle my journey through seminary.
Today was fantastic! It was only the first of three days for orientation, but they wasted no time in setting the standard of academic excellence high and devotion to God as central.
I sat in a room with new students from the US, Africa, Great Britain, Australia & France. I on the other hand travelled just under 6 miles. These men travelled across the globe to begin training for a lifetime of service to God. They left jobs as I did, and came to the Master's Seminary. What a blessed day it was to meet them.
The Director of Admissions focused our attention towards our hearts. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. May our treasure be in service to God Almighty, and a pure devotion to His word which never fails. May we please God, rather then men.
The Seminary training is rigorous, but I hope to post many times per week.
To my past Dreamworks co-workers...I will keep you in my prayers and think of you often. To my family and friends, please pray that I am the Husband and Father God calls me to be during this time of pruning and growth.