Once a week the time comes for prayer with the Elders. This is a very enjoyable time of praying for the people of our church, city and nation. For those not at our church, there is a prayer and praise list printed up each week from requests turned in on Sunday. That list is provided to the elders and the church prayer team to pray over each week. We end the prayer time each week by praying with each other at the mtg. It's a great way to stay in touch with the body (the church) and each other.
Had a nice time reading the Word this morning at 5:30am at Starbucks. Why go to starbucks? A friend invited me to come over and bought me a coffee. We didn't talk much. Just read and enjoyed good fellowship. This friend and I have been texting each other daily in the morning to try and encourage the other to get up early and study the Word and pray. Try it. Find a friend who can mutually encourage you to draw closer to the Lord. Do so on a daily basis. The Lord is good.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Jesus is God
Jesus is God.
If a person knows this, believes it and lives like it, life is different. It cannot and does not stay the same. A person's life before knowing Christ and after are and should be drastically different. When they aren't, then a person should read 1 John.
1 John is written to believers who need to be encouraged of their salvation and to fight against the heresy of the day, which is still prevalent in our day, that a persons talk and walk don't have to match. What people say today is "that's nice for you" or "I have my own relationship with God, but don't go to church, study my Bible or pray much". Of course this goes against the picture of the true Christian life painted in 1 John. "Those who love God, obey Him". Notice, it's his way or no way. There is no ambiguity in that statement.
1 John is what I'll be studying in the Greek over the next 5 weeks. I'm really looking forward to it.
On the family side of things, some of the income we had coming in, is no longer coming in. Please pray the Lord continues to provide for our needs. We know and trust that He will. If that comes in the form of a job for me, please pray I am able to manage my schedule and family well.
I'm half way through Gladiator Greek. Ann and I are both very tired from the rigors of my schooling. Please pray the Lord provides in such a way, in all areas of our life, that we are able to press on. A good friend of mine here at TMS has just decided not to register for the Fall for many reasons (all personal). The fight to stay here at school is real....
Praying for you,
If a person knows this, believes it and lives like it, life is different. It cannot and does not stay the same. A person's life before knowing Christ and after are and should be drastically different. When they aren't, then a person should read 1 John.
1 John is written to believers who need to be encouraged of their salvation and to fight against the heresy of the day, which is still prevalent in our day, that a persons talk and walk don't have to match. What people say today is "that's nice for you" or "I have my own relationship with God, but don't go to church, study my Bible or pray much". Of course this goes against the picture of the true Christian life painted in 1 John. "Those who love God, obey Him". Notice, it's his way or no way. There is no ambiguity in that statement.
1 John is what I'll be studying in the Greek over the next 5 weeks. I'm really looking forward to it.
On the family side of things, some of the income we had coming in, is no longer coming in. Please pray the Lord continues to provide for our needs. We know and trust that He will. If that comes in the form of a job for me, please pray I am able to manage my schedule and family well.
I'm half way through Gladiator Greek. Ann and I are both very tired from the rigors of my schooling. Please pray the Lord provides in such a way, in all areas of our life, that we are able to press on. A good friend of mine here at TMS has just decided not to register for the Fall for many reasons (all personal). The fight to stay here at school is real....
Praying for you,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
At war....
This Christian phrase, at war with the flesh, means one is constantly battling against the desires of the world. Desires to live sinfully.
But we must walk by the Spirit. (and through the power of the Spirit)
We must submit ourselves to Christ as Lord and Savior.
But we must walk by the Spirit. (and through the power of the Spirit)
We must submit ourselves to Christ as Lord and Savior.
"For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. " Gal 5:17 CHRISTIANS do not live to please themselves. They live for the purpose of another. They live to glorify God. Do not wait until your dying day to try and turn your life over to Christ. This past week I went to visit a family. The Dad was literally dying. My pastor shared the gospel with him from John Chapter 3. Hopefully this man could hear and turned his heart to the Lord. The man died 6 hours after we left. His funeral is next week. Please pray for this family...for those left behind. Pray that those of them who aren't saved, that they will confess with their mouth Jesus as Lord and submit to their lives to Him. Eternity is at stake. Where do you stand? http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans%2010:9-17&version=NASB This life, the things of this world, are not worth an eternity in Hell. |
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Elle Turns 5

Seems like yesterday that...OK, not really. Elle was born in Laguna Beach California, around 7am, 5 years ago. Amidst all the studies, meetings and ministry, the Lord provided a nice time with the family as we celebrated Elle's birthday.
Since our yard is 90% in the front of the house, not much goes on without the neighborhood kids showing up. Once word got out that Elle was having a birthday, a few more guests started to show. Ann anticipated this and made an extra cake....what fun!
Here's a few pics of the occasion.
(first post of pics...hard to read text I know...sorry)
(first post of pics...hard to read text I know...sorry)
Monday, July 5, 2010
So it's hard to find work in my old business when you can't work a few days / wk. The Lord continues to provide for our family in non-conventional ways though. A guy at church had some heavy work to be done at his home. He hired me for the day and was very generous in his payment. God is good.
This week I have my first test in Greek. The "quiz", and there have been two of them, had 100+ points on it. With the quiz being 4 pages long, the test should substantial. Learning to take study time to work and handle the curve balls of family life has become harder with this summer greek class. God continues to refine my character (and my families) through it all. Again, God is so very good.
As hard as this summer class is, the fall and spring semesters will most likely be harder. Please pray the Lord continue to provide for us. Pray that I will be kind and gracious and set a good example for my family to follow.
- Dave
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