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Monday, December 13, 2010

747 Love

"This love to Christ is the inseparable companion of saving faith. A faith of devils, a mere intellectual faith, a man may have without love, but not that faith which saves.  Love cannot usurp the office of faith.  It cannot justify.  It does not join the soul to Christ.  It cannot bring peace to the conscience.  But where there is real justifying faith in Christ, there will always be heart love to Christ.  He that is really forgiven is the man who will really love (Luke 7:47).  If a man has no love to Christ, you may be sure he has no faith."
      J.C. Ryle,  Holiness  p.237

That last sentence is quite striking and is a summation of the greatest commandment. (Mark 12:30)  Beg God for sincere love that you may know you have a sincere faith.

Friday, December 3, 2010

God continues to provide (Tyler turns 3)

Our house is for sale.  Our house is for rent.  We pray it sells.  Today we heard from a very interested renter.  Either way - the Lord provides.

Wed morning I went to Starbucks.  An occasional norm these days.  Wed morning is when the men's small group I lead occurs.  A few of the guys occasionally show up to Starbucks and we enjoy a time of fellowship before our group meets.  The guy in line in front of me goes to pay for his 3 coffee's and his visa doesn't ring up.  They can't type the numbers manually at Starbuck's and he has no cash.  So I paid for his.  The lady behind the counter didn't charge me for my drink (which cost more than his).  I used a gift card to buy the coffee and ended up using .65 cents of my own money.  The Lord provides for others as we show the world that God is more important than money.

Went to grab something for lunch at the grocery store by our church.  I'm studying here at church all day.  (Another way the Lord has provided - it's very convenient since I live a few miles from here, and saves the 20min trip to school)  I saw one of our church staff at the grocery store - he bought my lunch for me.  I told him 2 times I was ok, that I had money to buy lunch today, but he insisted.  The Lord provides.

You see, when your Father is creator of the World, all your needs are met.  Please pray that Ann and I continue to seek first His Kingdom.  God is so kind to us.

Tonight we head to a pizza party for our Sunday School class.  The pizzas will be cooked by CPK on site in a custom outdoor pizza oven.  Yum.  The fellowship will be great.

Also looking forward to our church's Christmas concert in a few weeks.
Per school - I have one Final in Greek Exegesis next week, and two finals the following week.  One in Hebrew Exegesis and the other in Historical Theology.  God will certainly have to provide for me to survive these next few week.

Today is also my son Tyler's 3rd Birthday.  Happy Birthday Ty Ty. (He of course is a frequent visitor on my blog)  8)
