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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jesus is God

Jesus is God.

If a person knows this, believes it and lives like it, life is different.  It cannot and does not stay the same.  A person's life before knowing Christ and after are and should be drastically different.  When they aren't, then a person should read 1 John.

1 John is written to believers who need to be encouraged of their salvation and to fight against the heresy of the day, which is still prevalent in our day, that a persons talk and walk don't have to match.  What people say today is "that's nice for you" or "I have my own relationship with God, but don't go to church, study my Bible or pray much".  Of course this goes against the picture of the true Christian life painted in 1 John.  "Those who love God, obey Him".  Notice, it's his way or no way.  There is no ambiguity in that statement.

1 John is what I'll be studying in the Greek over the next 5 weeks.  I'm really looking forward to it.

On the family side of things, some of the income we had coming in, is no longer coming in.  Please pray the Lord continues to provide for our needs.  We know and trust that He will.  If that comes in the form of a job for me, please pray I am able to manage my schedule and family well.

I'm half way through Gladiator Greek.  Ann and I are both very tired from the rigors of my schooling.  Please pray the Lord provides in such a way, in all areas of our life, that we are able to press on.  A good friend of mine here at TMS has just decided not to register for the Fall for many reasons (all personal).  The fight to stay here at school is real....

Praying for you,

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