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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The science and art of biblical interpretation. This is the notion that God's Word is not only God's Word, but that there are historical and grammatical methods to help determine what the author meant or intended the original audience to understand. In other words, what does the Bible mean by what it says?

For you and me, as we try to learn what God means by what He says in scripture, the biggest rule to remember is that "context is King". Words do not have ability to communicate complete thoughts on their own, with extremely few exceptions. So we have to read the words based on their context, which includes the cultural and historical settings among other things.

Once a system of "Hermeneutics" is established, the proper interpretation of any given passage becomes much easier to understand. This is different from the application of a passage which can be many, while there is only one singular interpretation of any given text. If there wasn't a singular interpretation, how would one know if they ever applied the scripture in an accurate manner. Hopefully this peaks your interest in the subject. You can learn much more about this here:

Every believer should have good tools to study the Bible. I pray the material on the above link proves helpful in helping you seek out and know God Almighty!

praying for you...

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